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Monday, January 07, 2008

Twenty-One Years Salvation Army: Youth Work References (1886) - by George Scott Railton

These comments were written one year before Sunday Schools were band in The Salvation Army. This was largely due to the dissatisfaction of the missio-ecclessiological strategy. A few years later, it would be replaced with the "Junior Corps."

"The Sunday School party scarcely needs description, being represented so widely throughout the world, and having had so many years in which to proclaim its theories. Suffice to say that, as late as ten years after the foundation of the Mission, there were to be found, at some stations, men and women whose whole interest was concentrated in the Sunday School; and who would actually prefer to inconvenience and even shut out the adults, rather than that one of their lessons should be shortened. Yet, let it never be forgotten that, in Mission Sunday Schools, there were earnest soul winners, and that there were children saved who afterwards became gloriously useful in the work."

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