It has been amazing to see the Lord move in mighty ways through our students as they have been out on the field. In Myers-Briggs personality tests, I rate as a high 'T' - processing things firstly through my brain rather than my heart, but I have been consistently in tears as I have seen the passion, knowledge and skill grow in our budding youth workers - preaching their hearts out, kneeling with teens leading them to Christ at the Mercy Seat, engaging in deep conversations with children... These things touch my heart in such a deep, profound way.
In the midst of this all, the Lord has been whispering to me about a quiet revolution taking place in our movement - revolution in our understanding of children's ministry.
This revolution is not so much about new techniques or magnetic personalities, it's more about the heart of God consuming a group of men and women who have consecrated themselves to reclaiming children and youth for Christ. I think it's also about a group of people who have begun to recognize the dynamic heritage of children's and youth work that we have in The Salvation Army - and who wish to continue to be faithful to this incredible tradition of making kids a top priority in our local Corps and Community Centers.
In the midst of all of this madness, I have been reading my Bible looking out specifically for a clear understanding of a biblical view of ministry to children and youth. I have also been digging through a variety of historical books (many of these references you can see on this blog). I am beginning to understand that there are a great cloud of witnesses who have come before us in this ministry. This is so incredibly exciting!
I believe that in order to reclaim children and youth for Christ, that one must reclaim children's and youth ministry - and to reclaim children's and youth ministry means that one must reclaim leaders of children's and youth work... When I think about our students who will be transitioning to apprenticeship in two short weeks, and the new students who will be joining our school in September, my heart is "strangely warmed" when I consider the possibility of what will happen in the next few years as these young leaders bud and bloom in local Corps and Community Centers around our Territory and the world! I can't wait to see!
John Wesley has said, "Give me one hundred men who love only God with all their heart and hate only sin with all their heart, and we will shake the gates of hell and bring in the kingdom of God in one generation."
Do this, Lord, in my generation!
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