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Monday, June 12, 2006

A Whirlwind Weekend: Graduation, Commissioning and the Future of Project 1:17

Well, this has been a bit of a whirlwind weekend!

This past weekend, we graduated nine students from Project 1:17. It all started last Thursday night with our five year reunion. It's hard to believe that 117 is now entering into its' sixth year!
We had 102 friends and family attended our dinner.

Here's some of the highlights:
  • Sharon put together an incredible video of William Booth's actual voice mixed with video and photographic images - challenging people to consider the work the Salvation Army does in reclaiming children and families that live in at-risk communities. This video made plainly clear that what Project 1:17 has been doing is nothing new - it's simply what The Salvation Army has been doing for 141 years! There's very little that's different about what we do - we just need to get back to doing what we've always been doing, but adapting this to the particular challenges of emerging generations.
  • Commissioner Larry Moretz followed this up with a powerful charge to our students - challenging them to renewal, revelation, and revolution. He emphasized that although the tactics and technologies might have changed, our mission and purpose remains steadfast.
  • Mhari Smeaton prayed a beautiful prayer - that Scottish accent is so cool!
  • Supper was incredible - Nyack Seaport is a beautiful restaraunt on the Hudson River. We had a gorgeous view of the famous Tappan Zee Bridge.
  • Our own professional comedian and P117 graduate Brian Smith performed - the place erupted with laughter as Brian debuted his Project Song poking fun at staff and reminding all the graduates to look for good jobs because there's no money in comedy! We know Dave and Brian have been having a series of great successes in their ministry to comedians. Brian just came back from a tour in California where they received extremely positive reviews.
  • Paul Dymott challenged the students to always remember to "be there." It was a great reminder that there's no way we're going to be able to effect positive change unless we get out into our communities and be there for when our kids and communities really need us.
  • April Griffiths - one of our first graduates - read from the Scripture. It was wonderful to see her commissioned as a Captain this weekend to Corning, New York. She's going to do a fantastic job - we'll be praying for ya!
  • Major Mark Tillsley sealed the evening off with a challenging message. He spoke from Titus on being spirit-filled subversives - subverting the evil and injustice which exists in our world as a result of sin and rebellion. He reminded us that our rules of engagement are not the same as the world's modus operandi. Rather than using power, we are called to serve and love.
  • Jewela presented Larry and Janet with a collage of graduation photos of our 45 students. Many a tear was shed - Larry called this evening a six-hankey night!

The next morning was the commencement and graduation of the cadets and P117. There were also some surprises to be announced:

  • All the students looked really smart in their white shirts with red shields. We were all so proud of them as they each saluted the Commissioner and received their certificates of completion.
  • After this was complete, the Commissioner called Sharon and I up to the stage. He announced that Sharon and I would be taking over the directorship of Project 1:17 - and on the spot performed a battlefield commissioning! We were commissioned Lieutenants! I think most of the folk were shocked at this decision, but it's something which we felt the Lord saying we needed to do about a year ago. The Commissioner was OK with us taking directorship of the program without this rank, but we chose to embrace this commissioning because we believe it is what God has been preparing us for and calling us to do. This Commissioner, being a practical man, felt no need to delay and surprised us all with the decision to do this Friday morning. What a blessing - we felt like we were in the old Salvation Army with such a battlefield style of commissioning!!!

    We are excited to tackle the challenges of the next five years of Project 1:17. Our hope is that we will be able to build on the tremendous foundation that Larry and Janet have laid. However, we humbly realize that there is no way that we can take on this position without the prayer support of a TON of people. We ask anyone and everyone to be praying for us as we face this daunting new challenge.

    It's going to be a busy year, but also an exciting challenge as Sharon, Louise and I face this new epoch. However, we will always miss our good friends and colleagues as they take on their next appointment. (See the tribute I wrote about Larry and Janet). Please also pray for them as they move to Cleveland.
  • Jenn Colfill gave a nice testimony about the importance of breaking bread together.
  • Gavin Hayden was the second recipient of the Timothy award.

The rest of the weekend was just as much a whirlwind. Friday night was the kickoff of the 24/7 prayer movement in the Eastern Territory. Saturday was the Hispanic Ministry celebration. Sunday was commissioning and appointment services.

Today is a sad day of farewells as our final student departed, and most of the first year cadets left for summer assignment. Our students gave us a cherished gift of their own words of thanks. Our hearts were warmed by the genuine comments from the students.

George Muller, the great Christian youthworker from the 19th century has said, "A servant of God has but one Master. It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised." As the students depart and take up their new ministry posts; as Larry and Janet take up their new appointment; and as Louise, Sharon and I embrace the challenges of this next year at Project 1:17 - I pray that we all will seek to bring glory to God, lead boys and girls to the hope of salvation, and challenge the injustices that plague our local communities and put children and youth at-risk.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - a battlefield commission! Awesome! I can't think of anyone better to follow in the Ashcraft's footsteps. God is going to richly bless 1;17, and the both of you as you take on these new responsibilities.