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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Keith Price - Thirsting After God

I have recently been reading a book by Keith Price called Thirsting for God. I met Keith Price when I was a student at Ontario Bible College (now Tyndale College). I was part of a mission conference called Student Mission Advance and Mr. Price would take us through some brilliant passages.

One time I met him just after I had preached for the first time in a preaching lab. I had shown him what I had prepared. He took it from me, looked it over, and then said, "Can you summarize this in one sentence?" That day, I learned to always make sure I stuck to the point when communicating! :)

When I saw that Mr. Price had now written a book with his sermons transformed into meditations, I picked this up and have been working through it for my own quiet time. I highly recommend it!

Here's a prayer by Keith Price:

O Lord,
I have been living
for so long
in the lowlands of mediocrity.
I am disappointed and ded up.
I simply can't keep up the show
any longer.
I want my life to count;
I want to be like Jesus.
Would you show me then
just what I must do?
And also give me the strength
to do it?

Also a quote he draws on from Abraham Joshua Heschel:

He who is satisfied has never truly craved,
and he who craves for the light of God neglects his ease for ardor,
his life for love,
knowing that contentment is the shadow,
not the light...

And when the waves of that yearning
swell in our souls,
all the barriers are pushed aside.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this Steve. Keith was my husbands Grandfather. I with I could have met him.