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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory

Last week in class (at Project 1:17), Melissa was discussing the use of intelligence assessment in K-12 education. I made reference to the diversity of what we deem 'intelligence.' One of the most significant critics of this type of testing is Harvard U's Howard Gardner - who has introduced the concept of multiple intelligences.

He talks about there being at least nine different intelligences - which include:
  1. Linguistic intelligence
  2. Logical-mathematical intelligence
  3. Musical-rhythmic intelligence
  4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
  5. Spatial intelligence
  6. Naturalist intelligence
  7. Intrapersonal intelligence
  8. Interpersonal intelligence
  9. Existential intelligence

The recognition of different forms of intelligence is critical for the after-school/community-based youthworker. In looking at the assets of the youth we are working with, it is important to recognize the resilience to be found in kids and youth who fall between the cracks of other intelligence assessment tools.

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