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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Life Space Crisis Intervention

"To provide skills for special educators, counselors, psychologists, juvenile justice staff, child care workers and others who work with troubled and troubling children and youth to enable them to prevent and resolve crises, to build good relationships with challenging youth, and to help them learn to change repetitive patterns of self-defeating behavior."

Life Space Crisis Intervention is a subject which is consistently discussed in Larry Brendtro and Scott Larson's Reclaiming our Prodigal Sons and Daughters. This material is crucial for anyone working in community-based youthwork.

"LSCI is an advanced, interactive therapeutic strategy for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for children and youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviors. LSCI views problems or stressful incidents as opportunities for learning, growth, insight, and change. This non-physical intervention program uses a multi-theoretical approach to behavior management and problem solving. LSCI provides staff a roadmap through conflict to desired outcomes using crisis as an opportunity to teach and create positive relationships with youth."

This group offers training seminars on this subject. These are taking place throughout the United States, Canada, South Africa etc (Do a search for training in your local area).

I would also encouarage you to have a look at Nicholas J. Long and Mary M. Wood's book, Life Space Intervention: Talking with Children and Youth in Crisis.


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